We were watching T.V. during the political campaign. There were four persons who were defending his political situation. They are part of the “vox populi» (the population), because they are referent of the people, Spanish people, from Spanish country.

Those four characters are important because one of them will be able possible the agent to the power activity.

We can to listen to them. All of them make a good way to understand the social situation.

Politicians are made “in other wood” the can talk about different items or find solutions for social problems but this year we hope no one of them get a big majority. It´s better all of them will be able to be the voices of the part of the country.

Now we are Europeans. Some social problems get their solutions.

There are so, four popularity opinions: PP, PSOE, PODEMOS and CIUDADANOS. They are the most important voices of our world.

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